Enjoy a comprehensive online consultation with a pharmacist from the pharmacie Jean-François Rochette inc. team.
With Pharmacien en ligne, it’s simple, fast, and professional!
Stay tuned, we're constantly working to add new services to simplify your life.
Located in Gatineau, QC, pharmacie Jean-François Rochette inc. is constantly innovating to provide the Quebec population with simple, fast, and professional online consultation services.
Dedicated to fully fulfilling its role as the first line of the Quebec healthcare system, pharmacie Jean-François Rochette inc. has set a goal to be a leader in accessibility and efficiency, benefiting all Quebecers.
You can still pick up your medications at the pharmacy of your choice, but for your pharmacist consultation needs, think of pharmacienenligne.ca!
Consultation allowing you to obtain a prescription for the treatment of lice infestations and advice on eradicating the infestation as quickly as possible.
By accepting, you consent to obtain a consultation with a pharmacist from pharmacie Jean-François Rochette inc.